Thursday, September 19, 2013

I wreckin’ it’s time for some updates

Yes I know I misspelled reckon, but I swear it’s for good reasons! Unless you hate the internet, you’ve probably seen the Miley Cyrus music video where she disturbingly is nude on a wrecking ball. If you haven’t seen it (count yourself lucky), you at least know the mishap.

Enter in my awesome Alma mater.

At Grand Valley, we have this huge pendulum metal ball. It’s a fricken blast to ride because it's a HUGE ASS SWINGING BALL. At freshman orientation they gave out packets of information. One of the sheets had 50 Things to do before you graduate. Swinging on the effing ball was like number 7. 

I guess some students (see: brilliant) decided to reenact the music video using the GVSU metal ball. Lemme just say, if I didn’t already miss every square inch of that school, this was the breaking point. So perfect. So wonderful. So ridiculously proud to be a Laker. Here’s the link to theBuzzfeed article on the issue. The school actually took the ball down. I guess that was to ward off more Miley fans from showing their love. What else can Miley ruin, beside the Disney Channel, music and my eyes. #BringTheBallBack 

Circa 2006. This is me on the infamous ball. happy days. 


  1. Love this! I couldn't find any pictures of me on the ball. Perhaps having no photographic evidence is best. :)

  2. Remember how we thought we were the coolest freshman alive swinging on that thing. The broken wood lining...
