Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The hard questions

Today is the first day in a month that I actually feel an all-around sense of calm and contentment.

Yesterday was probably the worst day I’ve had since becoming single. It was one of those Murphy’s Law kind of days. With the rain, it took me almost an hour and a half to get home from work; a feat that usually takes no more than 30 minutes. Nothing went right at work; just dead-ends and frustration. I hadn’t slept the night before as my insomnia has kicked in worse than it’s been in years. I was hungry, as food isn’t even on my mind until I realize I haven’t eaten all day. I was in a shitty mood, making my head heavy, my voice thick with exhaustion and defeat. I wanted to curl up and forget the world. I’ve had these days before and I know, just like with a bad storm, it’ll pass if you’re patient enough. And right now, I’ve got the time.   

Last night I wrote in my journal for what felt like hours, asking myself the tough questions that I didn’t want the answers to. But self-growth isn’t an easy path. I know that if I don’t get through the tough questions now, they will follow me around and weigh me down. It’s hard to be honest with yourself, to hold yourself accountable to you. It’s hard to know that there are things you need to work on so you stop making the same dumb-fucking mistakes again. I get that and I accept that. It doesn’t make it any easier. With these hard questions, I find my compassion and self-empathy skyrocketing. I see myself as a friend that is in need of help, and I find I talk to myself as such. I see my strength. I see my heart, so willing to be hurt to find that love that lasts. I see my need to give love; love that seems to become something tossed aside by most. I see myself becoming more confident in my boundaries. I see myself understanding what works and what doesn’t work for me. I’m proud of myself. As weird as that may seem, I’m so fucking proud of who I am. The scars, the tears, the long nights- I’d do them all again because it is worth it. I love who I am and who I am still becoming. That’s something that I will never stop being grateful for.     

One of the questions I asked myself and really reflected on was what’s best for me right now?  I didn’t want to write the answer because I know deep down what it is, but it’s conflicting with other emotions and complications. The best thing right now is for me to be alone. To be on my own and to work on my goals and achieving everything that’s been in my peripheral. I know this is what I need so why do I keep trying to do the opposite? Am I scared? Scared that I’m in my late 20s and somehow no one will love me if I wait 6 months or a year to start dating again? Or maybe it’s that I think I am (somewhere in me) unlovable no matter what. And so the insomniatic thoughts kick in….

I know if I stop looking, that’s when he’ll find me. Part of me will always be looking for him. Waiting for him. Aching for him. Whoever he is. When we do find each other, I know that I will be the person that I want to be; strong, confident, and capable of knowing what I’m worth and what I deserve. I know that I will be someone he doesn’t want to lose. Someone who is worth the effort. Someone who he can’t imagine going through life without.

But until then, I’ll be kicking ass at work, at my Master’s program, at improv, at half marathon training (I signed up for another one in October….eeeek!), and at everything else I invest my time in. Because that’s essentially what I’m doing right? I’m investing this time back into the most important thing in my life….me.   

The thing I have learned most in this past month is that I am stronger than I gave myself credit for before. I am really listening to my gut and going with what feels right. I am protecting my heart, although it may seem to some that I am giving it away freely. Trust me, I’m not. No one is getting me until I’ve gotten back all that I’ve given away.
It's going to take someone really special to get all of my heart.  

Thursday, June 4, 2015


I miss you today
Although yesterday was rough
Tomorrow sucks worse

Heartbroken and numb
uestions yet to be answered
Waiting, waiting still
Whispers in the dark
Promises we'll try to keep
Stupid, dumb, naive

To pass the time I,
Busy myself with anything
To block out your face
No words from me now
To protect what is leftover
his was my chance, fuck

Monday, June 1, 2015

Just me and my best friend (aka: me. Because I'm totes single)

Oh well hello...yes hello...is this thing on? It's, uh....it's been awhile. Sorry 'bout that. I wish it could be for a reason that was awesome, but it's not.

I'm currently heading into week 2 of being single. It's weird being single. I catch myself throughout the day being startled at the remembrance of not having to worry about anyone else but me. It's an empty feeling. Not that I'm upset about my current situation, actually quite the opposite. It's been an amazing and freeing experience to be out of a relationship that was not only toxic, void of any affection, and going nowhere, but it's nice (well...) to be focusing on me.

Ah me....I've missed you?

I've been thinking that maybe the reason I jump from relationship to relationship is that I don't really want to know who I am without someone. That kind of sucks to admit. I'm scared to spend time with myself and realize I'm not as awesome as I think. Or that maybe all my life choices aren't what I want anymore. Technically I'm doing really well right now in life. Training for the half marathon, kicking ass in grad school, non-stressful work environment....it's nice.

It's scary as all hell too. I have no idea what I'm doing; now more than ever. Where do I go from here? It seems like I have too many options. There's too many paths to go down. There's not enough time to think everything through.

The main question that keeps coming back to me is....am I unlovable? Am I even worth something to someone? Will there ever be someone who finds me, wants me, and never leaves me? I don't know. Right now, I don't think so. It doesn't feel like it at least. I'm lost right now. It's like my emotions fluctuate in ten minute waves. I'm free...I hurt...this sucks...I'm happy...I'm over it...I'm not thinking about him...

When I got out of my relationship, the first question my friends asked me a few days ago was "is there someone in the picture?", like I'm supposed to just whip out a list of boys vying for my attention. I wish. The thing is, there's always "a boy". There's always some crush, some hope, some fantasy of a guy on my mind. You think there may be something and then....nothing.

It's hard being single. I don't know how people CHOOSE to do this. I wish I knew how to work on myself, how to be okay with going to bed alone, how to be confident with who I am without validation of a relationship. I don't know how to do any of this and I don't know if I can. I cry in my car on the way to work and back home. Always alone do I cry. I don't want people to know that this is hard. That all this...time is too much. I can't find enough things to do to keep my mind off other things. Always back to a face....a moment in the dark....whispers of promises and wants....I can't run far enough or exhaust myself enough to get the "what-ifs" out of my head.

I know I need this time to "work on myself" (whatever the hell that means at this point). I don't want to though. I know who I am. I know what I want. I just want to be loved in the way that leaves no doubt of its depth and longevity. At this point I just don't know if that exists for me.

If it does, whoever you are, I'm waiting for you.